Friday, October 4, 2013

Welcome to the study economics

Welcome to  the study economics

"The next best thing to knowing something is knowing where to find it."
 Samuel Johnson

The world of business, economics and finance is rapidly changing. Trends in the economy affect businesses and the financial markets which in turn affect the economy. The economy is made up of consumers, companies and governments who interact with one another in dynamic and often unpredictable ways.

These days the global economy is highly integrated with economic and financial events in one country being quickly transmitted to other economies. This makes the task of understanding how economies, businesses and financial markets react to both national and international events an ever more difficult issue.

The aim of this website is to provide links to quality websites that deal with these complex issues. In addition, we link to relevant news channels that provide timely information on the ever changing worlds of business, economics and finance. We also provide links to valuable education resources that can help you understand the key issues and rapid changes in business, economics and finance. 

We also link to other resources such as the best job sites for those seeking employment in the business, economics and finance sectors. Employment in these industries usually requires a good University degree and an accumulation of knowledge that can be gained over time by a daily reading of the quality financial press and by visiting our site and the sites that we link to.

We are usually listed on the front page or second page of google for many search terms such as best economics website(s), best MBA sites, personal finance sites, best economics blog(s), best finance blog(s), best business blog(s) and many other search terms. B.A economics hons, MA , UPSC 

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